6520 Bowness Road NW Calgary, info@grasbyartstudio.com

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FLORAL PAINTING WORKSHOPS - Peonies, Roses, & Still Life

Join our floral painting workshops and create a beautiful work of art that demonstrates the delicate colour, shape, and flow of flowers.   You'll learn how to balance warm and cold hues, master soft and hard edges, and create a stunning feature wall painting.  In these workshops you will:

  • LEARN an effective process to paint flower forms and textures
  • FOCUSon the subtle tones and flow of flower forms
  • BALANCEshadow temperature, colour intensity, and light
  • CREATE your own composition
  • WORK with other artists with similar interests

This course is designed to have you progress in a systematic fashion towards a result that you can be proud of.  The course consists of 2 classes held on 2 consecutive Sundays.  The classes are as follows:

Class 1 - Underpainting and Composition Drawing
 - Flower Shapes, Contours, and Shadows
Class 2 - Flower Midtones, Highlights and Details

WHERE: Studio A

COST: $95 / class, $190 / course


SUNDAYS, April 27 & May 4


FRIDAYS, April 25 & May 2


9:00 -12:00pm  - peony painting workshop, 

1:00-4:00pm - rose painting workshop, 

6:00-9:00pm - still life painting workshop. 

MATERIALS: A supply kit and canvas are required for this course.   

Flat brushes assorted sizes.

quinacridone red

cadmium yellow

phthalo blue

Titanium White

The supply kit and canvas options will be available for purchase on workshop day.  

Student 1